Before This home located at 502 Royal Rd. Saint Augustine, FL was purchased from me for $161,000 on March 29, 2018 After The investor then rehabbed the property and sold it for $295,000 on July 26, 2018
Do you need to sell a house that needs work? You don’t have to feel stuck or fearful of all the impending expenses! We have put together some great tips to help you sell your South and Central Florida home… even if it needs some work! Many people hang on to a house that needs … Continued
We talk with lots of people looking to buy real estate investment properties in South and Central Florida and surrounding areas. Some of them know what they’re doing… and some of them are still in the learning process. But, since our entire business is finding great deals… and often passing those deals onto real estate investors … Continued
I found a video recently of the worlds most successful investor… Warren Buffet… talking about why right now buying single family homes and renting them out is one of the smartest things you can do. Check out the quick video of Warren below: (click the video to play) If you’re at all thinking about buying … Continued